Proposed: May 1, 2022
Adopted: May 1, 2022
The name of this Corporation shall be the Poplar Point Association (PPA).
ARTICLE II: Purposes
The Corporation is a non-profit organization formed for the purposes of encouraging and promoting community, social, and athletic activities for the general welfare of the residents of Poplar Point, and for maintaining and improving community common spaces, facilities, and rights of way.
ARTICLE III: Membership
- Section 1. Membership shall be open to all Poplar Point property owners and lessees, and to property owners on Beach Street east of Route 1A. Membership is purely voluntary.
- Section 2. Members must be at least 18 years of age. A husband and wife, either of whom is at least 18 years old, may be joint members.
- Section 3. Each member and each joint member shall have one vote at all meetings of members.
- Section 4. Membership will be accepted upon payment of annual dues and will run from May 1st through April 30th.
- Section 5. No member shall be personally liable for any expense, judgment against, or debt of the Corporation.
- Section 1. The annual dues rate for PPA membership shall be set by a majority vote of the attending members at the last PPA meeting of the prior year. If no vote is taken, the rate for the prior year shall remain in effect.
- Section 2. The annual dues shall be payable on May 1st each year and cover a period from May 1st through April 30th of the following year.
- Section 3. Dues notice forms shall be distributed by local hand delivery to all homes on Poplar Point and lower Beach Street in April of each year. A downloadable dues notice form will also be available on the PPA web site
- Section 4. The dues rate for any dues submitted after July 1st shall be increased by $5 except for new residents.
- Section 5. Dues checks with completed notice forms shall be submitted by mail or by direct local delivery to the Treasurer of the Corporation.
ARTICLE V: Executive Officers
- Section 1. The officers of the Corporation shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected annually for a term of office commencing May 1st and running for one year, or until a successor has been duly elected and qualified.
- Section 2. Only PPA members shall be eligible to hold office as an Officer or as a member of the Board of Directors.
- Section 3. No Officer shall be personally liable for any expense, judgment against, or debt of the Corporation.
- Section 4. The duties of the President shall be:
- A. To notify the members of all regular meetings and provide an initial agenda for meetings.
- B. To call for meetings of the Board of Directors or special member meetings.
- C. To preside at all meetings.
- D. The President, with the approval of the majority of the membership, together with the Treasurer shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, promissory notes, contracts and all other obligations of the Corporation.
- Section 5. The Vice-President shall have and assume all powers and perform all duties of the President during any absence or disability of the President.
- Section 6. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of members and all Board of Directors meetings and shall be custodian of all Corporation records other than financial. The Secretary shall also conduct correspondence of the PPA as requested.
- Section 7. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
- A. To collect and keep custody of funds of the Corporation.
- B. To disburse of Corporation funds, as authorized by the budget, or as approved by majority vote of the membership, for payment of products or services received by the association and for events authorized by the membership.
- C. To keep accurate books of account of the financial affairs of the Corporation.
- D. Together with the President, and with the approval of the majority of the membership, the Treasurer shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, promissory notes, contracts, and all other obligations of the Corporation.
- E. The Treasurer shall have the power to endorse for deposit or collection all instruments for payment of money to the Corporation and to accept drafts on its behalf.
- F. At each meeting, the Treasurer shall present in writing a complete balance sheet and a full report of the receipts, disbursements and expenses for the period since the previous meeting.
- G. The Treasurer's books shall at all times be open to the inspection of any two (2) members of the Board of Directors.
- Section 8. Any Officer may be removed from office with or without cause by a majority vote of those entitled to vote and present at an annual, regular, or special meeting, provided notice of the intended removal is made by local hand delivery or local mail at least seven (7) days before such meeting.
ARTICLE VI: Board of Directors
- Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors of seven (7) members consisting of the four (4) elected officers and three (3) elected Directors.
- Section 2. No Director shall be personally liable for any expense, judgment against, or debt of the Corporation.
- Section 3. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be:
- A. To meet at such times as called by the President or any three (3) members of the Board of Directors.
- B. To have the power to fill vacancies in any office created by death, resignation, change of residence, or expulsion.
- C. To deal with any issues affecting the Corporation which require prompt resolution between scheduled PPA meetings.
- Section 4. A majority of the Board of Directors then in office shall constitute a quorum at any Board of Directors meeting.
ARTICLE VII: Nomination and Elections
- Section 1. The following elected positions shall be filled or reaffirmed by the PPA membership at the 1st meeting of each year:
- A. President
- B. Vice-President
- C. Secretary
- D. Treasurer
- E. Three Directors
- Section 2. The membership may nominate candidates or accept volunteers from the floor. If there are no new candidates or volunteers, the posts will be retained by the existing Officers and/or Directors. Otherwise, the new Officers/Directors will be chosen by majority vote of the attending members.
ARTICLE VIII: Meetings of Members
- Section 1. There shall be at least three (3) regular meetings per year, one each in the spring, mid-summer, and fall. Additional meetings may be called as needed by majority vote of the members attending a meeting or at the discretion of the President.
- Section 2. Announcement of all meetings shall be made at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. Meeting notices will be sent by email to all members who have supplied the PPA with an email address, and also listed on the PPA website under Events and posted on the PPA signboard at the corner of Steamboat Avenue and Beach Street.
- Section 3. Meetings of members shall be open to all adult residents of Poplar Point, whether or not they are PPA members. However, only PPA members may vote on any proposed articles or actions.
- Section 4. At all meetings, the membership shall consider and transact all business of the Corporation by majority vote except as restricted by these by-laws.
- Section 5. Seven (7) persons entitled to vote, including at least two (2) Officers, shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is available, the meeting shall be rescheduled.
ARTICLE IX: Committees
- Section 1. There shall be the following committees, the members of which shall be PPA members. These committees shall serve from May 1st through April 31st of the following year.
- A. The Playground Committee shall be composed of from one (1) to three (3) members whose duties shallbe to operate and maintain the playground and establish rules of good conduct.
- B. The Membership/Sunshine Committee shall consist of at least one (1) member whose duties shall be to express the best wishes of the PPA to new Poplar Point residents and to make new residents aware of the benefits and activities offered by the PPA.
- C. The Website/IT Committee shall consist of at least one (1) member whose duties shall be to update and maintain the PPA website.
- Section 2. There may be other committees appointed from time to time as is deemed necessary by the membership. Appointments to these committees shall be made by majority vote of the members at a meeting, or otherwise by the President.
ARTICLE X: Fiscal Year
The Corporation’s fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and end with the 31st day of December.
ARTICLE XI: Amendments
Any amendment to these by-laws may be made by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and entitled to vote at a special or regular meeting of the Corporation, provided notice of intention to amend or change the by-laws is made by local hand delivery at least seven (7) days before such meeting.